FW05 – Firmware Automatic Price Computing
Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with the automatic price calculation function.
This firmware applies to our weight indicators of the types HP-Ultra, HPR-Touch, HP-Touch, VPI-U and VPI-U-Advanced.
See further under the Product Information tab.
FW05 Firmware Automatic Price Computing
Especially suitable for advanced applications in industrial food processing and pacakaging, with article control, printing of tracebility, barcode EAN13, EAN128 etc.
Main features
- zero setting; gross/net selection; manual or automatic totalization with calculation of price/amount
- horizontal totalization (sum by lots), vertical totalization (sum by formulation), in discharge, and automatic with tare execution
- automatic tare; presettable tare (direct or calculated); unlocked automatic tare; database of 300 tares; lock/unlock tare function
disabling “areas” of keyboard function - 15 configurable and printable ID texts containing 32 characters, example: code, lot ID, operator ID, shift number, etc.
- database of 1000 articles with: 4 alphanumeric descriptions of 30 characters, EAN code of 6 characters, checkdigit on the weight, linked tare, predefined print format, functioning as weight or price/amount, price, seasoning date, expiry date; 20 linkable ingredients, linked customer
- database of 1000 ingredients with alphanumeric description of 30 characters
- database of 200 Customers with alphanumeric description of 5 lines of 30 characters
- selection of article, customer, tare from the database through bar code reader (option)
- 4 levels of resettable totals which may be printed in an independent way: partial total, general total, grand total, total by article
- calculator function: it is possible to add, subtract or multiply two values of up to 7 digits (entered through the keyboard), print the result and apply it to the tare
- programmable printout from keyboard of up to 30 formats linkable to the print functions (print key, totalization, article total, partial total, general total, grand total); each print format can contain 2048 positions which may be direct ASCII codes or preconfigured print blocks (f.e. product description, EAN code, ingredient description, EAN code, ingredient description, lot and weigh progressives, gross / tare / net weight, additional total, time & date
- included set of default printouts.
- prints list of last 50 weighings; prints article database with each article’s weight data
Scale types: Weight indicators firmware versions