Weight indicators firmware versions

Series HP(R)-U / HP(R)-Touch / VPI-U
/ VPI-U-Advanced

Products: 12
  1. FW01 Firmware Totalizing Dosing 212x159 FW01 – Firmware Totalizing and Dosing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with dosing and tota...
  2. FW02 Piece Counting 212x159 FW02 – Firmware Counting Quantities (pcs, liters) Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with the function of...
  3. FW03 Vehicle Weighing 212x159 FW03 – Firmware Vehicle Weighing Special firmware with the function vehicle weighing. Suitable for advanced appl...
  4. FW04 Statical Check Weighing 212x159 FW04 – Firmware Static Checkweighing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation for static checkweigh...
  5. FW05 Price Computing 212x159 FW05 – Firmware Automatic Price Computing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with the automatic p...
  6. FW08 Firmware Wheel Axle Weighing 212x1 FW08 – Firmware Wheel Axle Weighing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with the function wh...
  7. FW09 Firmware Dynamic Static Wheel Axle Weighing 212x159 FW09 – Firmware Dynamic / Static Axle Weighing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation, with the functions D...
  8. FM-D1 1 Component Dosing 212x159 FW-D1 Firmware 1 Component Dosing Special firmware for OEM-systems for industrial automation, with the functions d...
  9. FM-DM Multi Component Dosing 212x159 FW-DM Firmware Multi Component Dosing Special dosage firmware for automatic dosage and merging of multiple components....
  10. FM-CW Firmware Weight Tolerance Checking 212x159 FW-CW Firmware for Checkweighing Special firmware for OEM systems for industrial automation. Weight control throu...
  11. FM-BD Belt Weighing 212x159 FW-BD Firmware for Dynamic Conveyor Belt Weighing Special firmware for dynamic weighing and determination of the flow of material ...
  12. FM-BN Firmware Dosing In Unloading 212x159 FW-BN Firmware for Conveyor Belt Weighing (unload) Special firmware for checkweighing by static or dynamic weighing of products o...
Summary Weight Indicators

See also the summary page of all weight indicators