Weighing Hand Pallet Truck PTR(M)
Weighing hand pallet truck PTR(M) in stainless-steel; steering wheels and double loading rollers with a polyurethane coating.
Available in both CE-verified and not for legal trade version; also available in “clean room” version.
The dual-range division has a 2x more accurate reading in the range of 0 – 1000 kg (only available in version “not for commercial purposes”).
See further under the tab Product information.
Type: PTR Weighing capacity: 1000 / 2000 kg Division: 0.5 / 1 kg Range: Dual range Price: On application
Type: PTRM Weighing capacity: 2000 kg Division: 1 kg Range: Single range Price: On application
Weighing hand pallet truck PTR(M)
- model PTR: dual range division, not for legal trade (division range 0-1000 kg: 0.5 kg; 1000-2000 kg: 1 kg)
- model PTRM: standard division, CE verified (division range 0 – 2000kg: 1 kg)
- fork dimensions: 1180 x 550 x 80 mm
- built in backlit LCD-display, character height 25 mm
- net/gross indication, totalization of the weighings, high resolution weighing (10x more accurate), recipe weighing,
- checkweighing, preset tare, percentage weighing, piece counting function, hold function, peak level indication
- stainless steel construction incl. inner parts; lifting pump in stainless steel
- steering wheels and double loading rollers with a polyurethane coating
- max. lifting weight 2000 kg
- power: internal rechargeable battery; incl. 230V charger; operating time 50 h with fully charged battery
- 2 bi-directional RS232/C ports for connection to printer, PC etc.
- infra red input for optional remote control
- also available in “clean room” version
Options i.a.:
- integrated thermal ticketprinter/labelprinter
- real time clock module (date/time)
- alibi memory incl. date/time for max. 120.000 weighings
- easy weigh software for Windows
- wireless connection indicator (RS-232) to USB of PC / printer
- WiFi-interface through acces point (WiFi IEEE 802.11b)
- infrared remote control
- USB interface (instead of standard RS-232 interface)
Declaration of Dual range division
See “Weighing capacity” under the tab “Versions”:
Capacity: 1000/2000 kg Division: 0.5 / 1.0 kg.
The largest value of the capacity is the maximum weight to be weighed. The lower value is the value where the division automatically turns into a higher accuracy.
A weighing capacity of 1000/2000 kg means a total weighing capacity of 2000 kg, where the division at a weight of up to 1000 kg (a reading in increments of) is 0.5 kg; from 1000 to 2000 kg, the reading is per 1 kg.
Scale types: Mobile weighing, Pallet truck scales Tested: CE approval prepared, Not for legal trade Application: Agricultural / Harvest Scales, Industrial Scales, Stockroom, Weighing equipment for Logistics